Our next event...

We are working with James Roche, the Angling Trust Partnership Development Manager - in planning to get more people/children into fishing.

We hosted a few Pike Matches again this year from November. Some were a slow start due to adverse weather, flooding and ice towards the end! However, we had some great anglers who took part from near and far, with some competition!
Our highlight was Craig's 21.5lb beast during one of our matches - caught on deadbait, in floodwater, right on top around the lake!

Pike Match 2022

The Friendly Carpers planned their first social at Frisby Lakes!
An eventful weekend with fishing fun, food and banter!
Would you like to book a social? Get in touch!
The Friendly Carpers

From November 2021 - April 2022, we held our first Pike Matches (holding one each month).
It was a slow start due to weather conditions but soon picked up towards the end, with our last winning weight at 19lbs.
Reviewing our matches, we'll plan and adapt some more next season!
Look out for our next Pike Match events!
Frisby Pike Matches
As part of National Fishing Month (run in August 2021), we participated in the 'Get out and fish' campaign to encourage people to fish, whether they're experienced or a new beginner. We had offers to encourage more families and children to get involved, as well as ticket deals.
Look out for our Get Fishing events in the near future!

'Get Fishing' Campaign